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Below are various links to white papers discussing topics related to data center optimization and raised access flooring:

Ramification of server airflow leakage in data centers with aisle containment (5mb pdf)

This paper explores the application of aisle containment and the reality of server airflow leakage that results in bypass air that is at the heart of this inefficiency. The paper then explores methods of eliminating theis bypass air, and bringing aisle containment in line with the theoretical models used in the marketplace.

Optimizing capacity and efficiency in a diverse and variable load environment (2mb pdf)

This white paper takes an alternative approach to the optimization of the airflow products used in the raised floor data center, examining the energy impact of each step, and the benefits that can be realized above and beyond energy savings.

Design load (70KB pdf)

This bulletin presents important new load performance criteria that Tate has introduced to assist specifiers and users in selecting the right access floor for various applications.

Zinc whiskers revision (30kb pdf)

Zinc whiskers (aka zinc needles) are tiny hair-like crystalline structures of zinc that have been found to sometimes grow on the surface of electroplated steel. In some cases, the electrically conductive whiskers can break free, become airborne, and be transported into the computer equipment. Two things have happened in data centers that have brought the zinc whisker phenomenon to the forefront today.

Tate leed-nc certification contribution (150kb pdf)

A Tate access floor system and the advanced service distribution technologies it affords can contribute toward achievement of numerous credits for LEED-NC certification. When all the components of Tate Building Technology Platform Solutions are utilized (access floor, underfloor air and cabling, PosiTile carpet) they can greatly contribute to the LEED Scorecard of a project striving for certification.

Wet area applications (750kb pdf)

In our efforts to expand the access floor industry into new market sectors, it has become apparent that solutions for wet areas are an essential piece of our product offerings. Due to this need, Tate Access Floors is pleased to announce that we have developed recommended solutions for these applications.

Fire supression (75kb pdf)

Tate is pleased to provide a joint statement by CII, Tate, York, and Tyco Electronics which addresses the topic of fire suppression systems beneath raised floors as a means of controlling a potential fire risk.

Raised access floors office acoustics (2.5mb pdf)

This paper addresses the most frequently asked acoustics questions pertaining to raised flooring. The overriding question is whether unwanted sounds will be transmitted throughout an office environment due to the presence of a raised floor system.

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