Slotted channel framing systems allow for infinite structural flexibility for medical support systems, auxiliary framing systems, storage racks, rooftop walkways and solar panel support.
The Burgess Company team possesses a unique knowledge of how the strut components assemble with maximum structural integrity. “Strut” Systems are pieces of formed steel that are connected with special fasteners to create a structural system. You can customize Strut in multiple settings as needed: Medical, Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, Solar Supports, and more.
Our strut metal framing systems offer a unique and flexible series of metal channels and fittings designed to support HVAC units, pipes, valves & fittings, ductwork, gas or steam lines, and many other mechanical applications. H-Strut channels are best known for the flexibility in fabrication and welded combinations that help eliminate the need for any costly extra welding.
Address: 11711 South Portland Avenue Oklahoma City, OK — 73170
Address: 8137 East 49th Street
Tulsa, OK —74145